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Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

Rule Details

This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

Problems reported by this rule can be fixed automatically, except when removing a semicolon would cause a following statement to become a directive such as "use strict".

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint @stylistic/js/no-extra-semi: "error"*/

var x = 5;
function foo() { // code }
class C { field;
method() { // code }
static { // code }

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint @stylistic/js/no-extra-semi: "error"*/

var x = 5;

function foo() {
    // code

var bar = function() {
    // code

class C {

    method() {
        // code

    static {
        // code

When Not To Use It

If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

Released under the MIT License.